Addressed racial inequalities via multicultural brand platform

Company: Be The Match

Category: Brand Strategy, Demand Generation, Campaign Development

Date: 2019

Be The Match and its digital media partner introduced “Race Against Time,” to address the low awareness of lifesaving cures, for blood cancers and diseases, for ethnically-diverse patients. The campaign also educated consumers about the disparity in access to transplants.

This comprehensive campaign emerged from a broader strategic project to establish a brand platform that could work across multiple CTA’s and audiences. The recipe of success was compelling creative, devastating statistics, real patients, and the strategic integration of paid, earned and owned channels.

Hosted focus groups on Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) campuses and in U.S. cities densely populated with ethnically-diverse communities.
Don't parachute in. Give us the facts. Be present IN the community to build trust. These critical insights were the foundation of the campaign.
Developed and launched a comprehensive OOH campaign with extensive digital and print media.
As focus groups indicated, digital wasn't enough. To help us gain a stronger presence in key markets, we partnered with the Divine 9 and Urban Leagues nationwide to help educate and recruit prospective members.

Assisted registrations (e.g. those who saw or clicked on this creative and converted at a different time) increased by 68%, proving that these awareness efforts were making an impact. We were also effectively reaching those groups we were targeting, as total Be The Match registrations during this time were 74% diverse.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.