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Developed a new brand position to promote a Tier 2 destination

Company: Meet Minneapolis

Category: Demand Generation, Brand Strategy

Date: 2011

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Research had shown a third of leisure travelers within a 500 mile radius were not familiar with Minneapolis. Meet Minneapolis, the city’s destination marketing organization, determined it was critical to growth to update its branding and campaign strategies. To differentiate Minneapolis, attract high profile events, increase tourism and drive tax revenue, City by Nature was launched.

Led the board of directors, Minneapolis city officials, and local hospitality executives through focus groups and ideation sessions.
Gathered foundational insights leading to large-scale quantitative research study and smaller focus groups.
Leveraged data to build the new brand and relative campaigns which were later launched with great fanfare by Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak as he was surrounded by hundreds of hospitality employees at a major press event.
Competed with Tier 1 cities and eventually secured major conventions and international sporting events including the Super Bowl, X Games, Major League Baseball All-Star Game and Men’s Final Four.