Transformed systems to acquire and nurture members

Company: Be The Match 

Category: Digital Transformation, Demand Generation, Campaign Development

Date: 2018

Save a Life

Millions of registry member records at Be The Match (BTM) were stored in an antiquated, proprietary database at the National Marrow Donor Program. With limited capabilities to attract and engage members at increased levels, BTM determined it was time to undergo a major CRM and marketing automation integration.

The objective was to increase marrow donation, financial contributions and advocacy. This massive effort significantly upgraded the ability to manage records, generate and nurture leads, and communicate to members.

Led a cross-functional team of product, marketing and IT leaders who would oversee a complex RFP process.
Leveraging a new Salesforce platform, led the phased integration and customization of the tool.
Served as coach and consultant to other teams within the organization who would eventually lead the same process for their functions.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.