Developed an authentic campaign to capture a hard to reach audience

Company: Be The Match 

Category: Brand Strategy, Demand Generation, Digital Transformation, Demand Generation

Date: 2017

Save a Life

Research indicated the efficacy of an unrelated bone marrow transplant was greater when the donor is a male between the ages of 18-24. Early results from insights generated through Be The Match’s new digital registration tool also indicated that a donor acquired online was more likely to follow-through when called, versus someone who had registered at a face-to-face event. These two factors led to a digital campaign targeting young males, leveraging a unique mix of paid and earned media.

Designed a provocative campaign to garner the attention of young males through compelling creative, bold messaging and new digital channels.
Recruited actors via social media; auditions required they demonstrate something unremarkable to highlight in our campaigns that saving a life is just as easy.
Media placement on Twitch, SnapChat and ESPN (to name a few), helped drive traffic to our digital platforms. We also produced a full-day, live “telethon” style program on Facebook Live to acquire new registry members.
Sponsored Nitro Circus, a young male dominated BMX competition. Their mission, to continuously break boundaries in the name of innovation and adventure, aligned well with the spirit of this campaign.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.