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Grew a successful event enterprise to solidify position in healthcare market

Company: MentorMate

Category: Marketing Leadership, Marketing Planning, Brand Strategy, Demand Generation

Date: 2015

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MentorMate, a global software development company, sought to diversify it’s successful digital and mobile technology conference portfolio by expanding it to the digital health market, a key segment since 40% of their clients were healthcare companies and entrepreneurs.

MobCon Digital Health connected providers, payers, wellness brands, entrepreneurs and investors so they could explore technology trends and find ways to utilize digital to amplify their businesses.

Developed and rolled out a three-year growth strategy and P&L to grow MobCon nationwide, and within key market segments.
Established and led an executive advisory board made up of leaders from organizations including Medical Alley, Mayo, HealthPartners, and Medtronic, to consult on industry trends, thought leaders, and programming.
Built a comprehensive, targeted demand gen strategy to register new attendees from regional markets and beyond. Attendees of MobCon became leads for MentorMate.

In it’s inaugural year, MobCon Digital Health generated 575 attendees and close to 650 the year following.