Developed provocative campaigns to capture hearts and minds

Company: Be The Match 

Category: Brand Strategy, Demand Generation, Campaign Development

Date: 2018

By the time we met Kami, she had been hospitalized over 70 times in her short life, needed a transplant desperately, and there was no perfect match on the registry. Kami was the ideal spokesperson for her own search and we made sure to tell her story in a way that would motivate people to respond with a sense of urgency.

Partnered with expert storytellers to ensure authenticity and an emotional connection.
Developed a national network of film crews, creatives and media contacts to develop and share our patient's stories.
Influenced our young, African-American audience with compelling creative which drove meaningful conversions.
A new model was created for all future campaigns - no hired actors, urgent messaging and genuine emotion.

Based on primary and secondary research, our target audiences were more likely to take action if we shared staggering statistics conveying the difficulty in finding a life saving donor. This approach is still the backbone for recruitment messaging.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.