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Developed a platform to help patients navigate the complex world of clinical trials

Company: Be The Match

Category: Campaign Development, Digital Transformation, Marketing Leadership, Marketing Planning, Brand Strategy

Date: 2017

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In 2017, Be The Match received a $1.25M major gift from the family of Jason Carter whose life was extended as a result of clinical trials. The purpose of the gift was to help patients and families discover and enroll in new, lifesaving therapies.

Led the ideation, development and launch of this first of its kind, searchable clinical trials platform with user-friendly navigation and trials presented in easy to understand terms.
Users, which included patients, families, nurses and social workers, were given the ability to save searches and health information.
Patients and families who wanted additional support were given access to clinical trials specialists to answer questions and help with enrollment - all free of charge.
Established partnerships with pharmaceutical and biotech companies to help fund the program long-term.

The Jason Carter Clinical Trials Program was presented with the Innovative Programs award at the 2018 Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IHA) Health Literacy Conference. This award honors projects that demonstrate innovative, practical and effective solutions to addressing limited health literacy.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.