Built a comprehensive marketing and events function from the ground up

Company: Capella Education Company

Category: Digital Transformation, Marketing Leadership, Marketing Planning, Demand Generation

Date: 2000

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Capella, an accredited online university, needed to consolidate and grow their events functions into one centralized department to ensure a fast-growing set of interactive experiences held nationwide were delivered and marketed consistently, and with excellence, during a decade of intense growth.

Established and led a 12-person in-house events team responsible for a wide range of marketing and learning experiences. Produced and marketed in upwards of 300 events each year.
Capella’s event presence included tradeshows, webinars, corporate meetings, shareholder events, commencement ceremonies, product launches, sponsorships, and academic residencies.
As digital capabilities grew, pioneered new event formats that included hybrid learning models and virtual, interactive company meetings. These innovations led to reduced costs and enhanced customer and employee experiences.

Grew annual event revenues from $50K to $14M in 7 years with customer satisfaction scores consistently above 85%. Events generated thousands of qualified leads and referrals and became a cornerstone of the Capella experience, in light of the fact they are an online university.