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Built marketing infrastructure to compete in the biotech and pharma industries

Company: Be The Match BioTherapies

Category: Marketing Leadership, Brand Strategy, Campaign Development, Demand Generation, Digital Transformation, Marketing Planning

Date: 2016

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In 2016, Be The Match/National Marrow Donor Program introduced Be The Match BioTherapies (BTMB), the organization’s first new business entity in the B2B space.  BTMB offers the competencies they built over the past two decades, as cell and gene therapy services to biotech and pharma audiences.

Our objectives were to quickly build awareness, credibility and demand in a new and highly-complex, competitive industry.

Collaborated with executive leadership, sales, product and IT teams to develop product, sales and marketing strategies.
Built new marketing team which included agency and web partners. Implemented new systems to include web platform, CRM and marketing automation.
Grew awareness and demand through a comprehensive thought leadership program that included sponsoring, speaking and exhibiting at dozens of industry events.
Launched a robust content marketing program that included Cell Lines, an industry blog rich in white papers, annual state of the market reports, and internally produced videos and webinars.

From 2016 to 2019, revenues increased from $1.1M to $6.4M; clients from 4 to 26; strategic partnerships from 0 to 4.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.