Built an interactive, physical location to engage tourists and local community

Company: Meet Minneapolis 

Category: Brand Strategy, Digital Transformation, Demand Generation

Date: 2015

Visit website

Meet Minneapolis, the city’s destination management organization, had a robust digital presence and was in need of a physical location for visitors. At the same time, USBank sought to demonstrate its commitment to community in the Twin Cities. These two needs diverged into a unique partnership, new visitor center, store and the USBank Social Media Command Center.

The USBank Social Media Command Center (SMCC) is utilized during key events and high peak travel times. It is a place to showcase technology innovation in Minneapolis and the city’s digital footprint globally.
Visitors and media convene in the center to gather information and promote their visit to the city.
Several milestone events took place at the SMCC including the first ever podcast by the City of Minneapolis and the press conference to earmark the opening of USBank Stadium.
Business leaders, community partners, and city officials use the space to promote community advancements, business and economic development.