Developed a campaign to encourage LGBT consumer travel to Minneapolis

Company: Meet Minneapolis

Category: Brand Strategy, Campaign Development, Demand Generation

Date: 2013

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In 2013, Meet Minneapolis developed a campaign in conjunction with Mayor R.T. Rybak, to promote Minneapolis as a destination for LGBT weddings. This was an outstanding opportunity to promote the city since neighboring states had not yet legalized same-sex marriage.

Leveraged the mayor and local hospitality heroes who represented wedding venues or services, as campaign talent.
Targeted states in the Midwest where equality had not yet been realized.
The campaign was primarily supported by earned media and was later awarded ``Best Campaign on a Shoestring Budget`` by PR News.
Advocate Magazine awarded Minneapolis their ``Gayest City`` designation. Meet Minneapolis' support of the LGBT community went beyond same sex marriage to include annual Pride Festival sponsorship.

Not only did this campaign drive tourism to Minneapolis (including increases in business and tax revenue) – it gave visibility to an important human rights issue across the Midwest.