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Realigned sales, marketing and IT to more effectively reach key audiences

Company: Be The Match 

Category: Digital Transformation, Demand Generation, Campaign Development, Marketing Planning

Date: 2018

Save a Life

In order to address a shifting target audience and low retention metrics, 2018 required a new vision for Be The Match’s 125 field sales reps located across the U.S. With a disparity in available, ethnically-diverse marrow donors, the non-profit needed new strategies to acquire donors willing to step up for their community.

Based on a solid foundation of primary research, we designed a new, dedicated Registry Growth and Optimization team to include sales, marketing, and IT, and launched a comprehensive strategic plan.

Established regional ``core teams`` comprised of internal staff aligned to our external health care partners.
Designed campaigns leveraging the demographics, behavior and psychographics of key audiences.
Launched campaigns in major cities densely populated with ethnically diverse communities. Local campaigns were supported by highly targeted paid and earned media.
Established partnerships with major colleges, specifically Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) where we educated, entertained and ultimately converted students.

Increased online registrations 78% over 3 years which led to record levels of diversity added to the registry.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.