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Fulfilled cancer patient's bucket list to achieve world record

Company: Be The Match 

Category: Brand Strategy, Campaign Development, Demand Generation

Date: 2018

L4L on YouTube

What started as a blood cancer patient’s bucket list item evolved into Lemons for Leukemia (L4L), a viral challenge that would set national records for donor recruitment. This unique campaign was promoted almost entirely through the strategic use of earned media and generosity of the general public.

Through the ongoing monitoring of media, the local story of Dillon and Chris captured our attention for its potential to translate the need for donors in a personal way - nationally.
We mobilized our PR team and engaged in full-time outreach to national media, international celebrities and social media influencers.
Provided a social media toolkit to healthcare partners nationwide to help amplify the story and recruit more registry members.
Longtime advocate and supporter of Be The Match, Robin Roberts, generously participated via Good Morning America and her social media platforms.

Notable celebrities and organizations to participate included The Rock, Danny Devito, and the NYPD.

The campaign resulted in thousands of new donors, exceeding a world record and growing national awareness of the important work that takes place every day at Be The Match.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.