Leveraged an international sporting event to secure media and partnerships

Company: Be The Match 

Category: Demand Generation, Brand Strategy

Date: 2018

In 2018, Super Bowl LII was held in the Twin Cities and Be The Match seized the opportunity to grow awareness of its lifesaving mission through national media, onsite activations, and surrounding events. The goal was to increase unaided brand awareness and position Be The Match for partnerships beyond the Super Bowl.

At Super Bowl Live, a 10-day event preceding the event, Be The Match built a massive, onsite interactive activation to help visitors experience the importance of joining the registry, particularly if you’re ethnically diverse.
The 20x40 building included football activities, custom virtual reality, social media and ability to win prizes for finding your perfect match. The Who Will You Save building also generated thousands of leads for BTM.
In 10-days, over 45 stories about BTM patients and donors were included on NBC Sports, Sports Illustrated, Good Morning America and on major stations in key markets like Philadelphia, Columbia, New Orleans, Kansas City.
Be The Match was the Super Bowl's first sole sponsor of Business Connect, which identified and connected participants to vendor partners with ethnically diverse, female and LGBT owners.

Representative work was created by National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match staff under our leadership. Used with the expressed permission of National Marrow Donor Program.